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Before you read this article, please go watch this short video on YouTube because it will set the stage for what I will write about today:
That’s a powerful video, isn’t it? I get very emotional every time I watch it.
Can you imagine how women facing an unexpected pregnancy see themselves? After all, they are surrounded by a culture that tells them that an unexpected pregnancy is a mistake.
While it’s true, in many cases but not all, that a woman may have exercised poor judgement in doing what led to her unexpected pregnancy, the unexpected pregnancy itself is a unique human being – NOT a mistake.
She Is More, Not Less
When a woman becomes abortion-minded, her fears prevent her from seeing herself as she truly is. Her fears lead her to believe that somehow, because of her unexpected pregnancy, she is something less.
In fact, the product that abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood offer, actually affirms the woman in her belief that her unexpected pregnancy means there is something “wrong” with her.
Abortion is about undoing the act, erasing the mistake if you will, that led to the woman’s unexpected pregnancy, but the human being growing in her womb pays the price with its life.
On the other hand, the Pro-Life Business Industry knows that the abortion product is simply compounding one mistake (the act, in many cases) with another, much more terrible mistake – intentionally killing an innocent human being.
While abortion may make a woman feel, initially at least, like she has gained something more, in fact, she bought a product that resulted in her, as well as all of society in general for that matter, having something less, and being something less.
The Pro-Life Business Industry competes against the abortion product with a product that promises, and objectively delivers, more, not less.
But as I pointed out at the end of last week, most young women have already been “pre-sold” on the abortion product, so the Pro-Life Business Industry must work hard to sell its competitive offering: choose life.
The Proof is in the Pudding
I know for a fact that it is possible to achieve this because I work for a company ( in the Pro-Life Business Industry that plays a role in this “selling” process every day. 
On a daily basis, I am a witness to the proof of the effectiveness of this sales process.
As an overview of the process, it works like this:
  1. A woman facing the fear of an unexpected pregnancy becomes abortion-minded
  2. She uses her phone to search on Google for information about getting an abortion
  3. Our company’s system inserts a Google ad into the search results that appear on her phone
  4. When the woman responds to our ad, we connect her to a pro-life Pregnancy Help Center that specializes in persuading abortion-minded women to choose life instead of abortion
Please note: I am not trying to advertise for the company I work for. I simply want to point out that there is objective proof that the Pro-Life Business Industry can win at sales in its competition against the Abortion Industry.
Point number 4 above, a PHC that “…specializes in persuading…” is a key success factor in winning that competitive battle, one woman at a time.
Tomorrow, we’ll start diving into the process of what that looks like on the front lines when an abortion-minded woman connects for the first time with a well-trained, sales-oriented PHC.
Until tomorrow….

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