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One of my favorite entrepreneurs is Jason Leister.
He writes daily for his blog called “Incomparable Expert.”
Here’s an excerpt from one of his recent posts:
I had skipped over what is really question NUMERO UNO for any business owner hoping to do anything but struggle:
What problem do you solve and for whom do you solve it?
A clear answer to that question can tell you a lot of things about your chances.
Music to my ears.
Recall in my post yesterday that I said, “It is my hope that, one day, Pregnancy Help Centers (PHCs) in the Pro-Life Business Industry will demonstrate the same clear understanding of who their customer is in their daily competitive battle against the Abortion Industry.”
If we asked this question of 100 randomly selected PHC Executive Directors – What problem do you solve and for whom do you solve it? – I believe that at least 90 of them would answer this way:
Question 1: What problem do you solve? Answer 1: “Ending abortion.”
Question 2: For whom do you solve it? Answer 2: “Ummm…” (Confused look on their faces)
I think they would give the answer to Question 1 with great enthusiasm.
After all, I doubt there are few things more personally fulfilling than working full-time to end the greatest human rights violation in the history of humanity.
Why the Confusion?
But what about the answer to that second question: For whom do you solve it?
The reason I think there would be confusion about answering Question 2 is that “ending abortion” solves a problem for the preborn human, but the Executive Director of the PHC knows that the “for whom” part of the question also brings into play the pregnant women whom the PHC serves.
So probably, after some thought, the Executive Director will answer something along these lines:
“Well, we help both the woman and her preborn baby. We help save the life of the preborn baby from abortion, and save the woman from the pain and regret of having aborted her baby.”
Laudable, for sure, but as I have stated before, the problem with this statement is that there is only one decision maker in the process of selecting between abortion services and choose life services: the woman.
“Ending abortion” is the problem the Pro-Life Movement is working to solve so that the right to life for ALL preborn babies (the “for whom” part of Question 2) is legally protected.
“Ending abortion” is NOT the problem that PHCs in the Pro-Life Business Industry solve.
So what problem do PHCs in the Pro-Life Business Industry solve?
We’ll start taking a look at that tomorrow…

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