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I am looking for a clinic that handles abortions.”
Yesterday, I had the honor of interviewing a woman who, only 11 months ago, discovered that she was facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Filled with fear, she texted the above message to an organization she believed could help her overcome her fear.
Wants Create Demand
Her unexpected pregnancy had created demand for a service.
One available service option, most commonly offered by Planned Parenthood, was to get an abortion.
Clearly, at the time she sent that text message, she believed that the abortion option was the “help” she was looking for.
The other available option, to choose life for her preborn baby, was offered by pro-life Pregnancy Help Centers in her area.
Those are two very distinct competing options.
If you read my articles, I am going to assume that you want the woman in our story to go with the option of choosing life. 🙂
Here’s an important point that I want you to remember: If that text message had gone to a typical PRC, as we defined a PRC in yesterday’s article, it is very unlikely that the PRC team member receiving that text would have had the proper training to respond in a way that would have started a process of moving the woman away from wanting the abortion option, and instead towards the choose life option.
In other words, if that text had gone to a typical PRC, it is very likely that the woman would have ended up getting an abortion.
Question: Would you want to invest in a pro-life organization that was not equipped to effectively compete against Planned Parenthood?
I hope your answer is “of course not.”
All’s Well That Ends Well
Fortunately, the woman’s story has a happy ending because that text went to a well-trained, highly skilled, Pregnancy Help Center.
The team member at the PHC who received that text began to build a relationship with the woman, and persuaded her to come in for an appointment.
Once the woman came in to the PHC, she received the help she needed to change her mind about getting an abortion and choose life.
And choose life she did.
She is now the mother of a beautiful 3-month old baby girl!
Question: Is this Pregnancy Help Center the kind of pro-life organization that you would like to invest in?
I hope your answer is “absolutely!”
Thankfully, these PHCs do exist, but you have to do your due diligence to make sure you are investing in an effective PHC, and not a PRC.
The Question to Ask
If you are not sure if you’re dealing with a PHC, or a PRC, the simple question to ask the Executive Director is, “Last year, how many abortion-determined women did your center persuade to change their minds about getting an abortion, and instead choose life?”
If they can’t answer that very quickly, and instead begin talking about all the women they served with various services, you are likely dealing with a PRC.
If you are looking to find effective PHCs to invest in, organizations that truly put a dent in demand for abortion, I currently know of about 30 of these types of PHCs around the country, and am finding new ones every now and then.
I wish they were plentiful in number, but they are not.
Nonetheless, if more pro-life business investors begin to shift their philanthropic giving away from PRCs, investing instead in PHCs, we would soon see the Pro-Life Business Industry begin to exert an enormous influence on reducing demand for abortion.
If you are interested in finding one of these PHCs near where you live, or investing in one even if it isn’t near you, please contact me through the contact form and I can guide you.


  1. Thank you for saying some of the hard things that need to be said. With nearly 1M Children losing their lives through abortion it is essential that there be a radical turnaround in the mission and strategy of the local PRC. Hard truth but real truth.

      • Brett Attebery

        The Real Person!

        Author Brett Attebery acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        The Real Person!

        Author Brett Attebery acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      • 5 years ago

      Thank you for your comment Bridget!

      As you know well from your many years of experience battling Planned Parenthood on the frontlines, most folks who invest in pro-life are oblivious about these things.

      When many of them find out the truth, either through this website or by some other means, I think they will be angry, and feel like they’ve been misled by many organizations in both the Pro-Life Movement, and in the Pro-Life Business Industry.

      This can be tough to talk about because I know that the vast majority of people who work at PRCs have big hearts, and they just want to help.

      I get it.

      But I decided it would better serve pro-lifers to be real about what’s going on, rather than be nice.

      Your business, ThriVe, gets it, so I look forward to talking more about ThriVe in future articles.


  2. Thank you for saying some of the hard things that need to be said. With nearly 1M Children losing their lives through abortion it is essential that there be a radical turnaround in the mission and strategy of the local PRC. Hard truth but real truth.

      • Brett Attebery

        The Real Person!

        Author Brett Attebery acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        The Real Person!

        Author Brett Attebery acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      • 5 years ago

      Thank you for your comment Bridget!

      As you know well from your many years of experience battling Planned Parenthood on the frontlines, most folks who invest in pro-life are oblivious about these things.

      When many of them find out the truth, either through this website or by some other means, I think they will be angry, and feel like they’ve been misled by many organizations in both the Pro-Life Movement, and in the Pro-Life Business Industry.

      This can be tough to talk about because I know that the vast majority of people who work at PRCs have big hearts, and they just want to help.

      I get it.

      But I decided it would better serve pro-lifers to be real about what’s going on, rather than be nice.

      Your business, ThriVe, gets it, so I look forward to talking more about ThriVe in future articles.


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