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Did you know that 6 out of 10 women who have had abortions say that they would not have chosen abortion if they had received more support?

This comes from a remarkable research report called, “The Effects of Abortion Decision Rightness and Decision Type on Women’s Satisfaction and Mental Health”

You can access the full text of the report at this link:

Here’s a quote from the report:

“…60% reported they would have preferred to give birth if they had received either more emotional support or had more financial security.”

This is a REMARKABLE statistic!

Do we pro-lifers understand what this means?

Simply, it means that if we can solve two key issues that 6 out of 10 women say are the reasons they chose abortion, then we can win more decisions for life than decisions for abortion.

What are those two key issues for women?

Emotional support and financial security.

Here is something incredible to consider.

The emotional support and financial security that women seek is already available at the thousands of pregnancy help centers across the country!

Why then are these women still choosing abortions instead of getting the emotional support and financial security available to them at pregnancy help centers?

You’re not going to like the answer.

It’s because the women simply don’t know pregnancy help centers exist.

And I don’t mean the brand name of a particular center.

I mean they don’t know that such a thing as a pregnancy help center exists.

And as I often say, if women don’t know about pregnancy help centers BEFORE they face an unexpected pregnancy, then women won’t go to pregnancy help centers WHEN they face an unexpected pregnancy.

The exceedingly great news is that this is a solvable problem!!

What’s required is to do what all great businesses do well to compete and win against their competitors in the consumer marketplace: brand advertising.

If you are a pregnancy help center, all women in your community must not only know you exist, they must believe that what you offer is the better option should they need your services in the future.

The results of this research report are a wakeup call to team pro-life, and especially to pro-life pregnancy centers, to massively up our marketing game especially in the area of brand advertising.

Our target consumers, women, have spoken and told us exactly what we need to do in order to win them over to choosing life 6 out of 10 times.

There’s no time to waste! Let’s get moving on this!

I want you to see what an effective strategy to solve this problem looks like, so please check out the Heroic Media website at

I serve as CEO at Heroic Media and our strategy is focused 100% on using innovative advertising to build an attractive women’s healthcare brand that young women are aware of, and prefer, over Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

Please remember this: The women’s healthcare brand preferred by the most young women BEFORE they face an unexpected pregnancy wins.


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