The Proof Is In The Pudding

Can you imagine how women facing an unexpected pregnancy see themselves? After all, they are surrounded by a culture that tells them that an unexpected pregnancy is a mistake.
While it’s true, in many cases but not all, that a woman may have exercised poor judgement in doing what led to her unexpected pregnancy, the unexpected pregnancy itself is a unique human being – NOT a mistake…


The Name Game

Several weeks ago, the Executive Director and several members of the Board of Directors of a Pregnancy Help Center located in a large city, asked to meet with me and one of their key benefactors who has a strong marketing background in sales and marketing.
Although they had specific issues they wanted to talk about, I would say the overarching request this PHC’s leadership team had was to discuss ideas on how to compete more effectively against the local abortion facility near them…

WHO is a Pregnancy Help Center’s Customer?

If you’re still with me after I criticized Pregnancy Help Centers yesterday, I’m grateful.
My hope is that you will trust that my intent is to make some things apparent about PHCs that are not so readily apparent to most pro-lifers.
I do that with a desire to help upgrade the competitiveness of PHCs in their daily battles against abortion facilities, and by doing that, help the Pro-Life Business Industry (PLBI) win the market war against the Abortion Industry (AI)…

What’s Your REAL Why?

I claimed yesterday that Pregnancy Help Centers, in general, are performing poorly at ministry.
This claim will bring scorn my way from many in the Pro-Life Movement who will tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about because “ministry” is about serving others, and folks who work at Pregnancy Help Centers have huge hearts for service…

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