Putting Lamps Under Baskets

To continue with yesterday’s thought experiment about a “PHC Stock Market,” what would happen after a large number of under-performing PHCs began to cease operations?
I believe that all available pro-life philanthropic capital in the Pro-Life Business Industry would start to flow, in a concentrated manner, to a handful of organizations that consistently proved by their results, as measured by market share, that they had business models worthy of attracting capital that enabled expansion of those businesses…

For Your Information

Business people are perplexed as to why a national pro-life competitor to Planned Parenthood has yet to emerge.
I admit, it’s frustrating.
But now that I’ve been working in the industry full-time for five years, I believe I better understand the reasons why.
Today, let’s talk about one of those reasons which I’ll put under a broad heading: information…

Investing in Pro-Life: Why Balance is Key

Last week, Planned Parenthood launched its biggest electoral effort in its history. It plans to invest $45 million to support presidential, congressional and state-level candidates in the 2020 elections who support access to abortion.
Not to be outdone, the very next day following Planned Parenthood’s announcement, the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List launched a $52 million campaign to support President Trump’s reelection bid.

What Is the ROI on Investments that Restrict Access to Abortion?

Last week, Planned Parenthood launched its biggest electoral effort in its history. It plans to invest $45 million to support presidential, congressional and state-level candidates in the 2020 elections who support access to abortion.
Not to be outdone, the very next day following Planned Parenthood’s announcement, the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List launched a $52 million campaign to support President Trump’s reelection bid.