Trust Decision
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If you count yourself as a member of the pro-life community, I’ve got some profoundly awesome news for you!

There is an abundance of evidence that you don’t have to use any “persuasion techniques” with abortion-seeking women in order for them to change their minds about abortion and choose life.

As a matter of fact, the more you attempt to persuade a woman to choose life, the more likely it is that she will do exactly the opposite because she will sense that she is being manipulated.

The ONLY person who can persuade a woman to choose life is the woman herself.

I imagine you’re scratching your head about what I just said, so I will share with you one of the most important things I learned from the top-performing life-affirming center in the country: ThriVe® Express Women’s Healthcare in St. Louis, Missouri.

To give you a sense of what I mean by “top-performing,” on average every year, between 1,500 to 2,000 abortion-seeking women who come to ThriVe change their minds about abortion and choose life.

Adjusted for population size, those lives saved numbers are 5-10X what most other centers in large cities around the country achieve.

ThriVe’s results are truly remarkable.

Naturally, when I first learned about ThriVe’s incredible save numbers, I wanted to know the secret “persuasion techniques” I assumed ThriVe used to earn so many decisions for life.

My eureka moment came during a ThriVe demonstration of their patient care process when I stopped the ThriVe team member leading the demo and asked something like, “So when does someone on the ThriVe team make a ‘pitch’ to persuade the woman to choose life?”

The answer: “Never.”

Wait. What?

I then asked, “Then why do so many of the women change their minds and choose life?”

The ThriVe team member explained that the women change their own minds because they trust that what they’ve been told by ThriVe team members is true.

And the key ThriVe team member in the patient care process is the compassionate, highly skilled registered nurse (RN).

The ThriVe RN simply educates an abortion-seeking woman in a non-manipulative way about the truth of what an abortion entails, and the truth about the resources available to the woman if she chooses to carry her pregnancy to term.

Once women know about what an abortion actually is, which no one had ever told them the truth about, and also what resources are available to them if they choose life, which again, no one had told them the truth about, many women will change their minds about abortion and choose life.

The only thing required for a large number of successful decisions for life is to tell the truth.

Isn’t that amazing?

One of the ThriVe RNs shared with me how amazing it feels to know there’s no pressure to use any persuasion tricks in order for most abortion-seeking women to change their minds about abortion and choose life.

This is exceedingly good news for life-affirming centers across the county, most of which currently do not use this process.

Just yesterday, I checked in with a center in a large city that I had spoken to about this process a few months ago.

To their credit, they put this process to the test immediately after I shared about it and the center’s Executive Director told me they are already experiencing improved results with their abortion-seeking clients.

And the center’s RNs love it because there is no pressure on them to do anything other than share the truth in a compassionate way.

I have a favor to ask of you: If you are involved with a life-affirming center in your community, please share this article with them and ask them to contact me to learn more about this process.

The more life-affirming centers across the country we can get to adopt this process, the more lives we can save from abortion.

Thank you for your help.


This article was published in Heroic Media‘s weekly newsletter


    • Susanne

    • 1 year ago

    Hello Brett, I am not an RN and I do not work for a life afirming center but I want to help and to be part of the solution. It is likely that Ohio will be voting on an aggreissive pro-abortion, anti-parents rights bill in November. In addition to prayer and fasting, do you have any advice on how to effectively change hearts and minds of women voters?

      • Brett Attebery

        The Real Person!

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        The Real Person!

        Author Brett Attebery acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      • 1 year ago

      Hi Susanne!

      That question is a little out of my lane of expertise for sure.

      But it’s a great question that no one has seemed to be able to come up with a good answer.

      It appears to me that the belief in a “right” to abortion has become deeply embedded in our culture.

      I think the vast majority of our citizens still really don’t know exactly what an abortion entails in terms of the details, whether surgical or chemical.

      My approach to influencing women voters is that we have to show them that we are absolutely for empowering women, not trying to take away something from them that they believe is a valuable right.

      I believe the most effective way to do that is by elevating a life-affirming medical clinic brand to be the national counter brand to Planned Parenthood, and that brand would be all about pro-woman, pro-empowerment, pro-science.

      We should use words about that brand like life-empowering, which focuses on the woman, instead of life-affirming, which focuses on the preborn baby.

      So I guess my approach is more of a marketing approach to shift the culture in how it talks about life-affirming centers, and perhaps that would help more women voters to get on board.

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